Iran,  Transgender,  Women's Rights

For the record

Interrupting normal broadcast to record a couple of events that should be above the line. One is very local and the other geopolitical but both deserve celebration with wine, dance and perhaps, some sparklers. The HP crowd cannot be trusted with more flammable celebratory items.

The Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC) run by an exotic sari-clad man, Mridul Wadhwa with absolutely no relevant qualifications or even a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) for a job advertised as only for females, has lost its case for constructive dismissal against a  former counsellor it employed, Roz Adams.

Key points of the case summarised:

  • Roz Adams worked extensively with people with trans identities and was initially “excited and very supportive” of the ERCC being “trans inclusive”.
  • But she did  not believe that gender identity is in all circumstances more important than sex and believed that biological sex is especially relevant in relation to sexual violence.
  • Once she started work she felt  that support workers at ERCC were not permitted to express their misgivings, discovered that people who wrote into the organisation raising the issue were classed as bigots and that emails from them were stored in a folder called Hate emails.
  • Adams initially supported ERCC’s trans-inclusive policies but later raised concerns about gender issues within the organization.
  • The dispute began when a rape victim requested a female counselor. When this victim  made it clear that she was unhappy that she may be seeing someone who was not biologically female, she was advised that she was not suitable for their service and was excluded from the service.
  • Adams became aware  that the ERCC  had a policy of not referring people in this situation to Beira’s Place which by this time was a sexual violence support centre set up specifically as a single sex space or as an organisation run by women for women.
  • ERCC would not as a matter of policy ever refer people to Beira’s Place or even advise them of its existence in a time where there was a dire shortage of rape crisis counselling services.
  • Adams spoke to her Line Manager of her concerns (Wadhwa was a media darling and had spoken of  gender critical women as bigots and of rape victims who sought female only services as bigots who needed to “reframe their trauma. This conduct caused a large number of written complaints to be sent in to the ERCC.)
  • Then a  counsellor at ERCC, AB, born a female, decided to be non-binary. A rape survivor directly asked Adams AB’s sex and Adams sent this request back to her managers asking how it should be handled. This set off the gender ideologues within the ERCC and they started an ‘investigation’ against Adams.
  • The tribunal described the investigation into Adams as Kafkaesque and improperly motivated.
  • The tribunal found Adams had been harassed and discriminated against for her gender-critical beliefs.
  • The ERCC’s chief executive, Mridul Wadhwa, a trans woman, was criticized for leading a “heresy hunt” against Adams.
  • Adams now works at Beira’s Place, a women-only support center funded by JK Rowling.
  • The judgment has led to calls for better safeguards for sex-based support choices in sexual violence services.

The judgement is chilling to read. Wadhwa has been using a position of power – in a rape crisis centre of all places – to suppress any woman who won’t submit. It is unclear what this person has done to warrant such a sensitive, senior position. But the characters supporting Wadhwa are well known – demented Scottish Green MP who was the Chief Operating Officer at the ERCC when Adams joined. Maggie Chapman of Scottish Green Party was on the board at that time and was one of the people who appointed Wadhwa to this post. Chapman has boasted that she  doesn’t know what chromosomes she has, never having been tested. Well she has borne children, most sane people get a clue from that.

Other women who have been pandering to  Wadhwa are the edgy intersectional feminists at the Guilty Feminist podcast who giggled when Wadhwa told rape survivors who objected to being counselled by someone who was born a man should expect to be “challenged on your prejudices” if they sought help from Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre.

That is not the end of this saga. Questions may be asked, probably 2 decades later if the UK’s norm in these matters is to be taken at face value about how  Wadhwa’s husband’s company, Sacro, has been awarded funding for DV (domestic violence) services after funding was withdrawn from women’s services in North Lanarkshire:


As for the other celebratory event, a poor mountainside in Tabriz, Iran met with an unfortunate fate on Sunday and this rather horrible song about a helicopter became very popular.