The Left

The Morning Star is a Troofer Paper

One “Troof” article in a left wing newspaper  is a coincidence. Two such articles is beginning to look like a pattern.

Back in November 2008, Thomas Mellen reviewed a book by Troofer-in-Chief, David Ray Griffin, and concluded:

There are massive question marks over who was really responsible for the September 11 2001 attacks which triggered this ongoing war and it is not just wild-eyed loons glued for days to loony websites who think so.

Er. Actually, it is “wild-eyed loons”.

Exhibit A: Nick Kollerstrom. The disgraced Holocaust denier who is promoted by the Islamic Republic of Iran’s propaganda station, Press TV. Who had this to say about educational visits to Auschwitz:

Let us hope the schoolchildren visitors are properly taught about the elegant swimming pool at Auschwitz, built by the inmates, who would sunbathe there on Saturday and Sunday afternoons while watching the water polo matches

And Geoff Simons of the Morning Star just LOVES Kollerstrom’s new book:

This important book tears the official explanation for the July 7 Tube and bus bombings to shreds.

No Star reader will be surprised to hear about government lies, but Kollerstrom presents a detailed analysis based on a wealth of information that is staggering in its implications.

The government story is completely demolished. Times, photographs, official statements – all are subject to a careful scrutiny that leaves nothing standing.

Such events imply obvious state-organised conspiracies. It is true that some conspiracy theories are nonsense, but before you dismiss Kollerstrom’s case you should read this well-researched and impressive book.

Dave Osler is surprised:

Can a publication that bills itself ‘the daily paper of the left’ really be giving credence to the notion that all of the above were essentially put up jobs? So it seems.

Let us try to apply strict logic here. Because Kollerstrom is an odious holocaust denier, it does not automatically follow that his views on other topics are therefore also wrong. Perhaps Simons is right, and Dr K does make mincemeat of the official line.

On the other hand, shouldn’t a book on 7/7 written by a man of the belief that multiple atrocities were ordered by ‘Zionist masters’ to further their dastardly clandestine ends be subject to rather closer scrutiny in a journal such as the Morning Star?

Trooferdom has largely – and rightly – been ignored by the mainstream press in Britain. Most sane people recognise the theories as incoherent, and the story tellers as a motley bunch of nutters and racists.

Apparently, the Morning Star isn’t capable of making the distinction between news and delusion.

What is coming next, I wonder? A Morning Star expose “proving” that Obama was REALLY born in Kenya?


Modernity observes that the most recent “Troofer” story has now been removed by the Morning Star from its website.

A Morning Star apparatchik has written to one of Dave Osler’s readers as follows:

We normally rely on our reviewers to do a bit of research into their subjects before sending in their copy but clearly this hasn’t happened in this instance. The article has since been removed from the website.

Er. What about the review of David Ray Griffin’s book, then?

“Terror On The Tube

by Nick Kollerstrom (Progressive Press, £10)

Monday 03 August 2009
by Geoff Simons

This important book tears the official explanation for the July 7 Tube and bus bombings to shreds.

No Star reader will be surprised to hear about government lies, but Kollerstrom presents a detailed analysis based on a wealth of information that is staggering in its implications.

The government story is completely demolished. Times, photographs, official statements – all are subject to a careful scrutiny that leaves nothing standing.

Kollerstrom admits that the truth about the attacks may never be fully known and argues for a proper public inquiry.

He also attempts a posthumous rehabilitation of the four so-called bombers.

So who was responsible? The author explains the idea of “false-flag terror,” staged by governments to achieve political ends.

US analyst Webster Tarpley said in 2005: “Last week’s London explosions carry the characteristic features of state-sponsored, synthetic provocation by networks within the British intelligence services MI5, MI6, the Home Office and the Metropolitan Special Branch who are favourable to a wider Anglo-American aggressive war in the Middle East.”

The false-flag argument is extended to other much-publicised terrorist atrocities – September 11 2001, Bali, Madrid, Istanbul and Mumbai.

Such events imply obvious state-organised conspiracies. It is true that some conspiracy theories are nonsense, but before you dismiss Kollerstrom’s case you should read this well-researched and impressive book.”