
Newcastle – another SU votes to disaffiliate from the NUS

Following Lincoln’s recent (narrow) vote to cut its ties with the increasingly controversial NUS, the results from Newcastle’s own poll have just been announced.  Although the turnout was small – perhaps 5% of the total student body – there was a clear majority in favour of disaffiliation, with 989 voting to leave and 486 opting to remain.  The NUSU President has issued a statement in which he explains why students have grown increasingly dissatisfied with the NUS.

It is clear that our students feel that the NUS no longer represents their views, does not prioritise correctly, and is not effective at achieving change. The current discontent amongst students nationally can be measured in the number of unions considering holding referenda on their membership. We hope that the NUS will acknowledge their shortcomings and will work to become the national union that students deserve and can identify with..

Meanwhile at Exeter – the results of their ballot will be released at 9am tomorrow – there have been allegations of harassment levelled at representatives of the ‘stay’ campaign.