
Stop the BNP

OK chaps/chapess/chapettes. [Alan: Happy now?]

We’ve had a high success rate in getting Islamists and jihadists banned from hotels and conference halls.

Similarly, hotels really ought to think twice about hosting dinner meetings for Nazis. Via Hope not Hate:

Now it is time to Nick Griffin and a whole load of European Nazis have booked themselves in for dinner today at the Thornton Hall Hotel on the Wirral under the name ERI. Please ring the hotel politely and voice your concerns about them hosting this event on: 01513363938

You can contact them here

Or you can mail them by clicking here.


From Hope not Hate:

Here is a photo taken at the far right meeting currently taking place at the Thornton Hall Hotel in The Wirral.

Most in the photo are well known BNP activists, also Bruno Gollnisch from the French Front National and Marc Abramsson from the Swedish far right National Democrats. Abramsson was sentenced in 2004 at the Stockholm City Court to prison for aggravated assault and rioting. Gollnisch is a convicted Holocaust denier.