
Iran: Global Day of Action

Via Labour Start:

Iran: Release jailed workers, respect rights
The ITUC and the ITF are organising a global action day on 6 March 2008 to express our solidarity with Iranian workers once again. We want Mansour Osanloo and Mahmoud Salehi released immediately and unconditionally from prison. Their health conditions are deteriorating.

We also demand that fundamental workers’ rights be respected in Iran, in accordance with the ILO core conventions. The imprisonment of Osanloo and Salehi are not isolated cases in Iran. Nine education workers were sentenced to 91 days in prison recently. The Iranian authorities claim they are “threats to the national security” although in reality, it is genuine trade union activities they want to crush.

Oppression of the independent workers’ movement in Iran is escalating. That is why the global unions, together with human rights activists, wish to send a strong message to the Iranian government. 6 March falls two weeks prior to the Iranian New Year and the parliamentary elections.

Send your message! Spread the word and take part in the 6 March Action Day!

Meanwhile, the Socialist Workers’ Party appears to have decided to start supporting the Iranian left:

The right inside Iran has been able to use the threat of imperialism to snuff out any opposition at home. The first time was when the US supported Iraq during its war with Iran (1980-88) and now following the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and Israel’s war on Lebanon in the summer of 2006.

Last month there were major confrontations between students and security forces. At the same time there have been strikes and other protests. The re-emergence of the student movement and left wing ideas on campus is a sign of a growing confidence and changes that are developing inside Iran.’

Join the picket to support Iranian students this Saturday 16 February, 12 noon, Trafalgar Square.

SWP=Imperialist ZioCons!