The Left

Question Time II

Apologies for the lack of posts over the past few days. Those of us who haven’t been moving house have been getting stuck into organising today’s Euston Manifesto Conference.

The line-up’s about half-way down this page, but here’s a summary for those of you without scroll-wheels:

Norman Geras, University of Manchester, ‘Deficits of International Law’

Shalom Lappin, King’s College London, ‘Multiculturalism and Democracy’

Fred Halliday, London School of Economics, ‘Solidarities Simple and Complex’

Eve Garrard, Keele University, ‘The Academic Boycott: Justifications, Objections, Explanations’

Michael Walzer, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, ‘Terrorism and Just War’

As expected it’s a sell-out, but never fear. If you’ve got a burning question for any of the speakers (preferably on-topic) post it into the comments box and I’ll endeavour to get it asked.
