
‘Revolutionary’ Comments Box Policy

Right, I’ve had enough of the comments boxes on this site being over-run by various apologists for fascism, anti-trade union violence, Ba’athism, Islamism and the SWP.

These comments are over-run with people who aren’t interested in real debate just trying to wind-up or score cheap points.

I run this blog for two reasons:

1. To have my say
2. To prompt some interesting discussion.

The discussion to have any real value needs to be between people who at least share some basic commitment to democratic values and to a reasonable level of debate.

I’ve had a few requests from regular readers to close the comments down or make them registration only because they are sick of having to wade through crap to get to a decent comment or two.

I don’t see why the majority of readers and indeed the majority of comments posters should pay the price for that but nor should they have to put up with low standards any longer.

So I’m going to try and put an end to the stupid slanging matches. Finding a fair way to do that is impossible so I thought I would adopt the policy of the man who seems to be a hero to most of the Stoppers who hang around this site – Hugo Chavez.

According to Article 147 of the new penal code in Venezuela: “Anyone who offends with his words or in writing or in any other way disrespects the President of the Republic or whomever is fulfilling his duties will be punished with prison of 6 to 30 months if the offense is serious and half of that if it is light.”

So for a while I will be using Comrade Hugo’s standards for free speech. Therefore the comments policy at Harry’s Place will be, until further notice:

“Anyone who offends with his words or in writing or in any other way disrespects Harry’s Place or whomever is fulfilling his duties on the blog will be punished with a ban of 6 to 30 months if the offence is serious and half of that if it is light.”

Oh and if this doesn’t work I might have to get all Fidel Castro about things.

‘Comrade’ Chavez takes charge of the comments box. “No disrespecting”.