The Left

We’ve had enough

Aaronovitch is on great form in the Guardian today, not surprisingly given he is on his favourite issue – the old left and their recent claims that the tide has turned in their favour.

Mark Seddon, editor of Tribune and, as Aaronovitch observes, eternally billed as a member of “Labour’s ruling national executive committee, gets the treatment:

The party,” said Seddon, “and especially the unions, have had enough.”

What have they had enough of, exactly? More nurses? More doctors? More teachers? Large amounts more dosh for most public services?

Let me ask Tony Woodley of the TGWU and Kevin Curran of the GMB a rhetorical question each. Why is Woodley not leading, as his predecessors did, a campaign to halt the scourge of youth unemployment? And why is Curran not at the forefront of the battle to stop education cuts? Because there is no substantial youth unemployment, and there are no education cuts.

More people in need of a memory jog.