
Royal Wedding – Dictators invited

This is a press release from Peter Tatchell

“Shocking insensitivity”

Invitations should be withdrawn

“It is deplorable that the Queen has invited royal dictators from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Swaziland, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Brunei and Abu Dhabi. All eight royal families preside over severe human rights abuses, such as detention without trial, torture, denial of free speech and press freedom and the violent suppression of peaceful protests,” said human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell, Director of the Peter Tatchell Foundation.

He was referring to the Queen’s guest list for the royal wedding on 29 April.

“The invitations are a massive misjudgement by the monarch. They show the Queen is out of touch with the humanitarian values of modern, liberal Britain. She’s putting royalty before human rights.

“The guest list displays a shocking insensitivity to the suffering of people who have been persecuted by these royal tyrants. It is an insult to the victims of dictatorship for our royal family fete their oppressors.

“The invitations should be withdrawn immediately, as a mark of respect for those who have been murdered, arrested, jailed and tortured,” urged Mr Tatchell.

See the official royal wedding invitation list here: http://tiny.cc/rr1dk