
Hezbollah’s Man in London?

This is a cross-post from The Zionist

There was a debate today in Parliament over whether to proscribe Hezbollah in its entirety as a terrorist organisation. At present the British government has constructed two separate Hezbollah’s, a political wing and a military wing. The distinction allows the UK to ban one and maintain relations with the other.

The Labour Party MP Joan Ryan is the politician who pushed for the debate on whether the government should ban Hezbollah in its entirety. She was undermined in her efforts by the leadership of her own party however. According to the Jewish Chronicle Labour HQ sent a briefing document out to Labour MPs recommending against proscription in full;

“Full proscription could be a move against dialogue and meaningful peace negotiations in the Middle East.”

The extent to which the current British (and European) proscription is mere wishful thinking is made clear by looking at the Hezbollah’s foundational document which states;

“As to our military power, nobody can imagine its dimensions because we do not have a military agency separate from the other parts of our body. Each of us is a combat soldier when the call of jihad demands it and each of us undertakes his task in the battle in accordance with his lawful assignment within the framework of action under the guardianship of the leader jurisprudent.”

That document was written back in 1985. In 2013 Hezbollah Political Affairs Official Ammar Moussawi said;

“Everyone is aware of the fact that Hezbollah is one body and one entity. Its military and political wings are unified.”

Jeremy Corbyn accepted £20,000 from the Iranian propaganda outfit Press TV. He has referred to Hezbollah as his “friends” he was never going to be in favour of proscribing Hezbollah.

The moment the al Jazeera documentary directed at employees of the Israeli embassy and parts of the Jewish community The Lobby came out he called for a parliamentary inquiry claiming Israel posed a “national security issue”. In Jeremy Corbyn’s world an organisation that bombs and murders indiscriminately needs to be mollycoddled whereas Israel poses a national security issue.

In the USA there is an investigation into President Trump’s connections with Russia, when will there be anything like the same amount of controversy surrounding Jeremy Corbyn and the many connections he has with people, organisations and countries who hate the United Kingdom and every value it holds dear?

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