
Not Prosecuting Antisemitism in Britain

The announcement by Donald Trump that the USA was recognising Jerusalem was met in London with crowds of people standing outside the embassy screaming Khaybar Khaybar, ya yahud, Jaish Muhammad, sa yahud” or “Jews, remember Khaybar the army of Muhammad is returning”. The video taken by us of this happening went viral.

Several people tweeted that they had reported the call to hatred to the Metropolitan Police service, but who can expect the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to take action on this when they bluntly refuse to prosecute antisemitism as long as its shouted from within a demonstration?

Take their refusal to prosecute Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) bully boy Nazim Ali. While leading the Quds Day march filled with Hezbollah supporters through central London earlier this year he said;

“Some of the biggest corporations who are supporting the Conservative Party are Zionists. They are responsible for the murder in Grenfell. The Zionist supporters of the Tory Party.”

The IHRC made a statement to gloat about the fact that their little star had gotten away with screaming hatred on the streets. According to them blaming Jews for Grenfell is legitimate criticism of the state of Israel;

The decision is a victory for justice and common sense and hopefully draws a line in the sand against the aggressive lobbying of the pro-Israeli lobby to cynically and falsely conflate criticism of the Zionist state with anti-Semitism.

It’s getting old now. The CPS should be astute enough to see that replacing the word ‘Jew’ with ‘Zionist’ isn’t – shouldn’t be – a way for an antisemite to attack Jews and incite hatred against them. By refusing to recognise antisemitism on the streets of Britain the CPS adds to the kinds of frustrations that were expressed by counter demonstrators during the Quds Day march and practically guarantees that such counter protests will rise in intensity in the future.

The Campaign Against Antisemitism have announced that they will pursue a private prosecution against Ali in the same way that they did against others in the past. We’ll see what happens with this.

Let’s see what the CPS does with the complaints of antisemitism outside the US embassy. We’re not overly optimistic.