
Expel Ken #CorbynOut!

David Hirsh says;

Somebody’s trying to raise £6,000 to Fly a banner over Wembley for the Arsenal v City cup semi saying: Expel Ken #CorbynOut

It’s a meme. With Arsenal’s love/hate thing with Wenger; we communicate via aeroplanes.

But hey Spurs (and all other) cousins, come give support in the Arsenal struggle against antisemitism!

This is done with humour, but it’s serious; keeping the issue in the public imagination.

Corbyn’s constituency contains Arsenal; he poses as a fan.

And Livingstone’s manner, Cricklewood and Brent, is in the Wembley neighbourhood. Livingstone said he can’t walk down the street for Jewish people telling him he’s right; well now he can’t sit in his garden without us telling him he’s not.

And sure, there might be more worthy charitable causes. So donate to help refugees too.

Have a whip-round at your seder. 300 donations of £20 each will do it.

Come on guys let’s show them what Harry’s Place is made of and make this thing happen!