
“What is Aleppo?”

If the two major US candidates don’t float your boat, and Jill Stein isn’t your cup of tea, you may be looking to Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate, to throw some support behind. He may have an interesting backstory and folksy demeanor, but foreign policy is not his strong suit. From Politico:

Asked what he would do about the Syrian city of Aleppo, the region at the center of that nation’s civil war and refugee crisis, Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson responded by asking, “what is Aleppo?”

“What would you do if you were elected about Aleppo?” MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” panelist Mike Barnicle asked the former New Mexico governor during an in-studio interview Thursday morning.

“And what is Aleppo?” Johnson responded.

“You’re kidding,” a stunned Barnicle replied, to which Johnson answered that he was not.

Barnicle explained to the Libertarian candidate that Aleppo is “the epicenter of the refugee crisis” in Syria, giving Johnson enough information to finally answer the question.

One would think even a non-interventionist like Johnson would have at least been familiar with one of the key cities at the center of the Syrian Civil War that has produced the refugee crisis.