antisemitism,  Labour Party

What more is there to say about Corbyn?

Watch this remarkable interaction between Jeremy Corbyn and MP Ruth Smeeth’s heckler Marc Wadsworth after Smeeth left Thursday’s presentation in tears.

“I texted you”?

Update: From MehtaKultur in the comments, at about 20 seconds on the video, Marc Wadsworth can be seen taking hold of the upper arm of the woman whom he presumably says pushed him. She flinches, as I guess anyone would.

Jimithefox remarks that Wadsworth can be heard telling Corbyn that “I outed Smeeth, bloody talking to the Torygraph”. Did not know who she was, eh?

In age and physique, very much like Piers Doughty-Brown who pursued lone women through the street during recent Scottish elections.