
Now what?

OK, 52 percent of British voters have given out-of-touch global elites and interfering EU bureaucrats (I’m not being entirely sarcastic here) a well-deserved kick in the teeth– pleasing (among others) Donald Trump, who seems to think it will be good for business at his Scottish golf course, and his pal Vladimir Putin.

So after the celebrations or mourning (as the case may be), a serious question: What happens next? Will Boris Johnson succeed the resigning David Cameron as prime minister? Will Labour MPs leverage Jeremy Corbyn’s half-hearted opposition to Brexit into replacing him as party leader with someone who can truly lead?

Update: Was age more of a determinant in voting than class or region?

Despite this setback, perhaps the long arc of history will bend toward integration.

Alec adds: Is it too much to ask for a Leave-inclined PM candidate to actually believe in it?

You wanted to be in the game? Well, you now are in the game whether you like it or not, buddy boy.