
Fathom 9 is out

Issue 9 of Fathom: for a deeper understanding of Israel and the region is now available online

Lamis Shibli Ghadir on the challenges and rewards of being an Arab social worker in Israel.

Matti Friedman on the ideological roots of media bias against Israel.

Amichai Magen on the converging terror threat facing Israel and Europe.

Yoaz Hendel talks to Lorin Bell-Cross about the future of the Israeli right.

Asher Susser on the fierce resilience of traditionalism in Middle East politics.

David Cesarani on Alon Confino’s A World Without Jews. The Nazi Imagination From Persecution to Genocide.

Efraim Halevy and Dore Gold offer contrasting perspectives on Israeli grand strategy.

Ben Cohen talks to Michael Ledeen about the looming Iranian nuclear threat.

Yossi Kuperwasser on how to prevent Iran getting the bomb.

David Hirsh on Philip Mendes’s The Jews and the Left.

Colin Shindler on Anita Shapira’s Ben-Gurion: Father of Modern Israel.

Eve Garrard on the curious shapes of contemporary antisemitism and Anti-Zionism.

Michael Allen on Josh Muravchik’s Making David Into Goliath: How the World Turned Against Israel.

Noga Emanuel on the novels of Irit Linur.

Gabriel Noah Brahm on the film Dancing Arabs (Aravim Rokdim) by Eran Riklis and Sayed Kashua.

Liam Hoare on Assaf Gavron’s novel The Hilltop.

‘Fathom is an insightful, measured and thought provoking publication.’ Professor Clive Jones, Chair in Regional Security School of Government and International Affairs, University of Durham.

‘Fathom is a very impressive publication. I congratulate the editors for filling an extraordinarily important gap on the UK intellectual/political scene.’ Steven J. Zipperstein, Professor of Jewish Culture and History, Stanford University.

To contact the editor Professor Alan Johnson | alanj@bicom.org.uk