
Guardian Coffee

We’ve chronicled the various attempts by The Guardian to plug the hole in its finances – the newspaper group is currently burning through something like £100,000 every day. Their desperate japes have included selling internships, setting up a hotel, running some sort of open day conference on “progressive stuff”, and using non-paid ‘citizen journalists’ (i.e. members of Islamist groups and other swivel-eyed types) to fill the pages of Comment is Free.

The latest bright idea is a Guardian coffee shop. Called “#Guardiancoffee”. As you can imagine, the use of the twitter hashtag in the name of the establishment has encouraged all sorts of drollery on Twitter, which you can read here.

It goes without saying that this exciting new establishment is in London’s fashionable beard central: Shoreditch.

They’re hiring a “retail operations manager“, at a £25-30K salary. Well, that’s more than they pay CIF writers.

Paul Staines has a picture of the shop:

I leave the commentary to you.


Missed this yesterday.

The Guardian also appears to have hired a theatrical troupe to act out “Editors Pick” comments from Comment is Free.



How long before The Guardian hire Brant, the Physical Cartoonist?

Also see Vice Magazine, who have written it up.