
Alice Walker and David Icke

Last year Alice Walker caused a bit of a stir by refusing to authorize a new Hebrew translation of her novel, The Color Purple, by an Israeli publisher. Today she chose a book by David Icke as her Desert Island Discs choice. Here she explains why she is so impressed by Icke, and why she thinks he is like Malcolm X:

What I was remembering was how [Malcolm X] called our oppressors “blue eyed devils.” Now who could that have been?  Well, we see them here in David Icke’s book as the descendants of the reptilian race that landed on our sweet planet the moment they could get a glimpse of it through the mist that used to cover it (before there was a moon).  No kidding.  Deep breath!  Yes, before there was a moon! (Oh, I love the moon; can I keep it? Please?).  Anyway, there they came, these space beings (we’re space beings too, of course, not to forget that).  But they looked…. different than us.  And they were.

They wanted gold and they wanted slaves to mine it for them.  Now gosh, who does this remind us of?  I only am asking.  You do the work.  Apparently their own planet needed this metal to continue its, apparently, long life.  Credo Mutwa, Zulu shaman – and I am on my knees here in gratitude that he held on long enough to tell us about this – calls them the Chitauri, which has become my favorite word of all time (well, of this time that I’m learning all this): my partner and I go around saying Oh, Chitauri, whenever we get a glimpse of one or two of the Chitauri offspring, aka Illuminati bloodline families and their puppets, on the telly.  It’s quite the stress reliever, just knowing what we’re looking at.  And I like saying “telly” too, because it sounds so English and David Icke-esque.  Truthfully our “telly” is our laptops.

I wonder if she’d get on well with Roseanne?

Hat Tip: Rob Palk