UK Politics

Nick Clegg – how to auto-tune an apology

Yesterday Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg personal satisfaction rating was at its lowest ever with just 51% Lib Dem voters dissatisfied with his performance. So a great day to make an apology. Well it is conference season.

Clegg chose yesterday to apologise for reneging on a Lib Dem pledge to oppose a rise in tuition fees only to make this one of the first things the dazzled by power yellow party did once getting into bed with David Cameron.

The Deputy Prime Minister said that the pledge had been a mistake, but that the the decision to almost triple tuition fees was correct. So half an apology really.

The YouTube apology is, of course, worth a watch. Who doesn’t like to see a politician squirm. That is posted below, but better than that is this auto-tune version of his apology from The Poke. Great work.

“Nick hopes that his heartfelt new single will make things good again with voters.”

If you’re interested here is the original. Apparently there is no easy way to say this as Clegg tells us that he meets “disappointed” people when he goes around the country. I imagine he hasn’t seen anything yet.