
911 troofer writes for The Guardian

I read this article on The Guardian It was written by Charlie Skelton about the nefarious global elite supporting the Syrian revolution:

One of the most widely quoted western experts on Syria – and an enthusiast for western intervention – Michael Weiss echoes Ambassador Ross when he says: “Military intervention in Syria isn’t so much a matter of preference as an inevitability.”

It carries on like this.

On first glance, I thought I was reading something lifted from the David Icke forums.

Quelle surprise, then, that the writer of the article turns out to be a conspiracy theory hobbyist.

Here is Charlie Skelton in a prior Guardian piece:

The massive banner opposite the lobby says INVESTIGATE 9/11, which I realise isn’t an imperative at all. It’s a question. Everyone here is a question. Gareth is a question. Nano-thermite is a question. Truth is a question. 9/11 is a question.

But here’s something I really don’t understand: when did it become uncool to ask questions? When did questioners become imbeciles? Who gets to hand out the tinfoil hats? When did it become cool to believe what we’re told? In the words of Mr Hicks, did I miss a meeting? When did so many of the cynics and sceptics, so many of the sharpest brains I know (hello Charlie Brooker!) think that the cool thing to do is mock the questioners, and defend the party line. How stratospherically uncool is that? You want to know who’s cool? Gareth is cool, Mohsin in the pink shirt is cool, the girl in the pink pants is cool. Charlie Sheen is cool, Julianne Moore is cool, Dario Fo is cool. And today, perhaps for the first time in my life, I’m cool too.

Here is Charlie Skelton on the Alex Jones show:


“Government can’t lie, it never has lied, never has, never will. Why do you hate black people? I’m showing you what they do. Why do you want to hurt children Mr Skelton?”

“It’s a hobby!”

“Why do you say the Holocaust didn’t happen Mr Skelton?”

“Show me the bones!.. I totally agree, the lies that can be told are terrible, terrible things.”

[Alan A adds: Yes, dur. We do realise that this is a joke. See my earlier piece.  The point is that it is an off colour joke about Holocaust denial, made on the radio show of a far Right conspiracist nutjob. See?]

Here is Skelton claiming that the truth about 9/11 is a “taboo” like the Bildeberg Group, and that people are “hiding” from the truth and behaving like children:

Here is Skelton at a 911 troofer conference:

“I think we’re living in a time when the alternative media is so important, and the distinction between alternative media and mainstream media is blurring, and I think I’m probably just sort of playing around in the blurring area, and getting to write a few little things on the Guardian website which is fine, and that sort of just crosses over a little bit into the mainstream.”

Of course.

Infowars. Prison Planet. Guardian. It’s all the same isn’t it?