
Hate Meetings In Parliament

Here is Labour MEP Richard Howitt, properly standing up against extremism and hatred in the European Parliament:

Socialist MEP Richard Howitt has demanded an investigation after right-wingers allegedly “hijacked” parliament’s facilities.

It comes following what the deputy called a “clandestine” meeting of European far-right groups on Monday.

The British member has now raised the issue with parliament’s president Martin Schulz.

On Monday afternoon, Tommy Robinson of the English Defence League (EDL) spoke to the meeting and described himself as the president of the British freedom party.

The meeting was hosted behind the “cover” of the launch of a new front organisation called the International Civil Liberties Alliance.

Here is Labour MEP Richard Howitt, standing up for extremism and hatred in the British Parliament.

Two years ago, Richard Howitt spoke at a meeting the the House of Commons organised by Palestine Telegraph founder, director, and racist Sameh Habeeb on behalf of the pro-Hamas Palestinian Return Centre. The speaker line-up included Baroness Tonge.

Habeeb is famous for inviting the neo Nazi MEP, Krisztina Morvai, to an earlier and similar event.

Howitt has also invited the Hamas funders and thugs of the Turkish Islamist charity IHH to the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

Representatives of the Turkish humanitarian organisation IHH (the Foundation for Human Rights, Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief) which organised the flotilla, were invited to be present in Strasbourg by the British MEP Richard Howitt.

Perhaps they found time for a rousing round of “Khaybar” chants.