
John Galliano: “I love Hitler. People like you would be dead. Your mothers, your forefathers, would all be fucking gassed.”

The Sun has the video of Galliano’s rant.

(Update – astonishingly, this is not the rant for which Galliano was arrested last week. This took place on an earlier occasion)

He is obviously drunk. Sober racists usually remember to keep their thoughts to themselves. Drunkeness gives racists permission to speak.

The Sun also reports:

Last Thursday Galliano allegedly insulted Geraldine Bloch, 35, and threatened to kill her pal Philippe Virgitti, 41, in La Perle Bar. Ms Bloch told cops he called her a “dirty Jew face”.

Galliano has launched legal action against French Ms Bloch and Mr Virgitti, who is of Asian origin, for defamation.

You’ll be unsurprised to hear that the subjects of Galliano’s antisemitism “were French and Italian, but not Jewish”. But you don’t need actual Jews for antisemitism.


Mark2 points out the coverage of this incident by the Guardian:

This article was amended on 27 February 2011. The original headline, ‘Bon viveur? Yes. Racist? Non‘, was felt to have been misleading, by giving the impression the writer had concluded John Galliano was not a racist before any allegation had been fully investigated. It has now been changed.

Antisemitism ended in 1945 in Guardianworld.