The Left

Shameless Milne’s Logic Unpacked

More bilge from Milne. A commenter has his number

· Damntheral

7 Jan 2010, 9:46AM

The implacable logic of Seumas Milne and his admirers:

If we tolerate dictators in the Middle-East and do business with them, we are complicit in their dictatorship and we have only ourselves to blame for the terrorism that results. (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan)

If we don’t tolerate dictators in the Middle-East and try and contain them with sanctions we are just interfering and trying to destabilise sovereign countries and starving one milion babies a day (Iraq pre-2003, Iran now). Then we have only ourselves to blame for any terrorism that results.

If we remove dictators/militias in the Middle-East and try and replace them with a democracy, we are interfering even more and anyone that gets elected will be a “puppet” and anyone who tries to remove them by sabotaging the country’s infrastructure and murdering civilians sytematically will be glorious resistants and we have only ourselves to blame for any terrorism that results, even if it’s from Yorkshire lads. (Iraq since 2003, Afghanistan since 2002).

I guess the only other solution would be to just cut to the chase and finance jihadis ourselves like we did in Afghanistan in the 1980s. Then they’ll be our best friends forever, eh? Eh?