
Iraqi Governing Council

Thumbnail biographies of the members of the new Iraqi Governing Council have just been published. Have a look at them here. Amongst the other twenty four members is Hamid Majid Moussa who is the Secretary of the Iraqi Communist Party, testifying to the support that the Party has in Iraq and that the Americans recognise that support.

Isn’t it ironic that the British Communists would prefer this situation not to have been brought about and that the Iraqi CP owe their present situation to George Bush who is denounced by the CPB inter alia as an enemy of the left ?

Harry adds: I was recently sent (by our reader Richard) a translation of an interview that Hamid Majid Moussa carried out with the The London-based Arabic daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat. Here is an excerpt:

You have recently met, in this headquarters,
representatives of the US administration and a British
representative .. What are the reasons behind these
visits? What is their outcome?

– The reason behind the visits is to discuss all the
issues that concern the current and future situation.
We have expressed our point of view in full, and also
stressed their responsibility in helping the Iraqis to
undertake their task and accepting their plan for
setting an Iraqi patriotic government. This is the only
solution to end the extraordinary situation which
exists in the country.

Isn’t it strange that officials from the US and
Britain visit the headquarters of the Communist Party?

– We don’t see anything strange in this, because the
Iraqi Communist Party is a well-known force in the
country, and has its political role and views. This is
not the first time that discussions have taken place
between the Communist Party and the Americans and the
British and other members of the Security Council.

There were meetings in the past which took place in the
United States, in Kurdistan and in Damascus. They visit
party offices, and we meet on some occasions, and all
our meetings are publicized in the party press.

What we put forward has been stated openly in our party press.
There are no secrets that we are ashamed of, or that we
hide from the citizens. Our point of view is well-
known, and I think that they understand our views, even
if we differ with them.