
Naz Shah’s Warning

The Labour Party has taken something of a pasting in the Commons during PMQ’s and rightly so.


I heard that Jeremy Corbyn’s gave a personal warning to Naz Shah. Anyone got any thoughts on what that might have sounded like?

Perhaps something to the tune of;

“I know you meant well dear and clearly I and other members of the Party are behind you, but the Jewish lobby are baying for blood so do bear that in mind when you make further statements on how the Jews have stolen Palestinian land and are perpetrating a massacre against Palestinians.”

Lucy Lips adds:

Notably, Lisa Nandy MP has called for Corbyn to withdraw the whip from Naz Shah. Of course, he won’t:

“What Naz Shah did was offensive and unacceptable. I have spoken to her and made this clear.

“These are historic social media posts made before she was a member of parliament. Naz has issued a fulsome apology.

“She does not hold these views and accepts she was completely wrong to have made these posts. The Labour Party is implacably opposed to anti-Semitism and all forms of racism.”

Naz Shah is expected to speak next month in Walthamstow alongside the Corbyn-ite MP, Clive Lewis. The sitting MP, Stella Creasy, is routinely attacked by her opponents within Waltham Forest Labour as a “Zionist”.

So I expect she’ll receive an enthusiastic reception.

Update 2

Inevitably, Guido Fawkes has found the mandatory pro-Hamas tweets.

This is a retweet of a statement from Osama Hamdan, the head of international relations for Hamas

And this speaks for itself:

Update 3

Oh, well. I was wrong.