Venezuela’s leader Nicolas Maduro is following in the footsteps of his predecessor Hugo Chavez by referring to the president of the United States in satanic terms.
It was Chavez, after all, who stood at the podium of the UN General Assembly in 2006 and, referring to then-President Bush, said: “The devil came here yesterday. And it smells of sulfur still today.”
Now Maduro has said he is willing to talk with “the senior chief of the devils,” Barack Obama. How can Obama resist such flattery? That’s a much more impressive title than simply “the devil.”
Perhaps Maduro watched the History Channel’s recent miniseries “The Bible,” in which the actor who portrayed Satan was said to resemble a certain president.

Of course the Internet has plenty of “evidence” that Obama– if not actually senior chief of the devils– has some pretty strong connections to the satanic world.
Maduro claimed that Obama “has been dragged into the ultra-reactionary positions of the Pentagon, CIA and State Department,” and said Obama’s recent visit to Mexico was somehow connected to the violence in the National Assembly.
In an interview with the Spanish-language TV station Univision, Obama wouldn’t say if the United States recognizes Maduro as Venezuela’s new president following an election disputed by the opposition.
When asked, he replied that it’s up to the people of Venezuela to choose their leaders in legitimate elections.
He also said that reports indicate that basic principles of human rights, democracy, press freedom and freedom of assembly were not observed in Venezuela following the election.