
Israel Shamir wrongly credits Harry’s Place

Writing for the website of the French organization Egalité et Réconciliation– which apparently seeks to create a political movement based on combining the ideologies of the Communist party and the National Front– Israel Shamir has singled out Harry’s Place for forcing Communist Party of Britain-affiliated Morning Star to delete an article he wrote denouncing the Russian punk group Pussy Riot.

Shamir wrote:

Le Morning Star n’a pas reculé en découvrant que les attaques provenaient du blog Harry’s Place, le blog de gauche sioniste le plus puant d’Angleterre, profondément pro-impérialiste, vicieusement anti musulman, positionné contre l’Iran et la Syrie, violemment anti-russe, et certes anti-Shamir. Ce site m’a estampillé comme “l’antisémite négationniste collaborateur de Julian Assange, soutien de Lukaschenko et omniprésent Israel Shamir”. Je devrais mettre tout ça sur ma carte de visite…

Si le Morning Star a plié le genou devant une poignée de marxistes juifs, comment pourraient ils tenir bon face à de veritables ennemis capitalistes ?

Google translates this as:

The Morning Star has not declined discovering that the attacks came from Harry’s Place blog, the blog of the most stinking Zionist left England deeply pro-imperialist, anti-Muslim viciously positioned against Iran and Syria, violently anti-Russian, and certainly anti-Shamir. This site has stamped me as “anti-Semitic Holocaust denier collaborator Julian Assange, support Lukashenko and omnipresent Israel Shamir”. I should put it all on my card …

If the Morning Star has bowed the knee to a handful of Jewish Marxists, how could they keep good face beneficially capitalist enemies?

To clarify: I did not describe Shamir as “omnipresent”; I described him as “all-around slimeball” (tout-autour slimeball).

While I can’t speak for other Harry’s Place authors, I won’t reject the label “Zionist left” or even “Jewish Marxist” (as opposed to Leninist). But Shamir gives Harry’s Place way too much credit. For one thing, as I acknowledged when blogging about The Morning Star article, it was first revealed by Tendance Coatesy and Shiraz Socialist.

For another thing, while I’m sure The Morning Star is capable of bowing its knee to any number of people, I can’t imagine it doing so to Harry’s Place.

Update: A version of the article appeared in English on the antisemitic website deLiberation.

See also Tendance Coatesy.