
When Nutters Clash

The Guardian has turned itself, in a few years, from a respected national newspaper into the online home of fringe nuts and cranks from tiny totalitarian political parties.

There was widespread anger within The Guardian following the Charlie Skelton fiasco, in which CIF Editor and Becky Gardiner assisted the hapless performance artist in spreading his thesis that the Syrian uprising was a huge conspiracy involving the Bilderberg Group, the CIA and George Soros.

Perhaps in an attempt to pacify the increasingly pissed off Brian Whitaker, Comment is Free has commissioned an article in support of the “Syrian Uprising”.

From the Socialist Workers Party’s mini-guru, Richard Seymour of Lenin’s Tomb!

The Socialist Workers’ Party is a tiny and nasty fringe sect with a few thousand members. It rarely stands for election, and when it does it is never under its own name. Its candidates are never elected. For this reason, the Socialist Workers Party clings to a fantastical belief that it will be at the vanguard of a forthcoming revolution, which will instil a sort of new form of democracy which in practice would be a dictatorship.

So, who better than the SWP’s Richard Seymour to advocate for the Syrian revolution?

Unfortunately, the nuttiness of The Guardian’s readership has outstripped even the SWP.  So I wonder what they’ll make of this.

First comment from DesiPride:

A “popular” rebellion funded and armed by USA and Saiudi lol. Seems the imperialists want some fresh meat again. MMMMMMmmm oil….

Thought this was meant to be one of Britain’s “liberal” newspapers lol. Apologise for what you did to India, then maybe you get the right for me to take you seriously when you hector what should should happen in Middle East.

Oh Richard, Richard – to think that this used to be your constituency!

Richard tries to fight back – but to no avail:

The US found a way to intervene in the revolution in Libya by forging an alliance with former regime elements to hijack the uprising, and piloting its allies to power. The racist violencehat followed, with the ethnic cleansing of black Libyans and migrants, was a terrible conclusion to a promising uprising.

You imperialist and tool of George Soros, you.