
Israel and the Olympics

As reported in the Commentator, whereas the BBC website lists the capital of Palestine as East Jerusalem, it remains undecided about Israel’s capital, (unlike the Guardian, who think it’s Tel Aviv.)  It is the only country whose capital is not named.

It is of course 40 years since 11 Israeli athletes were murdered by terrorists at the Munich Olympic Games.  If you live in the UK you might like to ask your MP to sign EDM 100:

That this House notes that the London 2012 Olympic Games will be the 40th anniversary of the murder of 11 members of the Israeli team at the Munich Olympics of 1972; further notes that for 40 years their families have asked the International Olympic Committee to observe a minute’s silence in their memory; believes that it would be a fitting tribute to the memory of the 11 Israeli athletes, coaches and referees to hold a minute’s silence at this year’s and every subsequent Games to promote peace; and urges the International Olympic Committee to honour the memory of those murdered in 1972 by holding a minute’s silence.

So far only 55 MPs have supported this EDM.