
Does the University of Cambridge know who is speaking on its premises?

It is rather difficult to work out exactly who is speaking when and where at the FOSIS Qur’an Camp, currently taking place in Cambridge.  However, according to the schedule produced by the Cambridge Mosque (see the screenshot at the bottom of this post), it would seem that Haitham al-Haddad is giving a whole series of talks at the event.  One took place in the mosque, but I assume the others are taking place on Cambridge University premises – the Wolfson Theatre is mentioned as one venue on fosismidlands’ twitter stream.

Given how coy FOSIS has been about the inclusion of Haitham al-Haddad in the programme, it is uncertain whether Cambridge University is aware who it is hosting.  It might wish to know that Al-Haddad has been prevented from speaking at London Metropolitan University, and, as reported by Hope not Hate, had a talk cancelled at the LSE.

As the Press Office is closed for the weekend it seems too late for the University of Cambridge to follow these other universities’ example.  Haddad is due to speak tomorrow on ‘the story of Yusuf’ at 11 am – precise venue unknown.

Lucy Lips adds:

The Al Qaeda bomber Abdulmuttalab was coached by Haitham al Haddad at a similar ‘retreat’, prior to his failed attempt to blow up an aeroplane. Abdulmutallab himself produced an  ”autobiography” which cited Al Haddad’s influence:

Sabeel Retreat Course- Minhaj-ul-Istidhlal.

This course was a 3 day intensive program organised by the Muslim Research and Development Foundation headed by Sheikh Haitham Al Haddad. The MRDF committee includes students from Madinah. University and Professional from a variety of backgrounds.

The course Manhaj Al Istidhlal was the first 3 day intensive retreat organised by MRDF and alhamdulillah I was one of the pioneering students. The course is actually in 3 parts and the 2 parts are to come in the near future. We studied the sources of Knowledge in Islam. We looked at the QuranSunnahIjma and Qiyaas. The course also included sessions on build many team building and media skills sessions. The other two parts of the course will look at the understanding and implementation of the sources. Alhamdulillah, I passed the course with a Distinction.”

It is most inappropriate for this man to be given access to students and other young people.

The University of Cambridge and Cambridge Mosque need to explain what has happened here.

A scene from another Sabeel “retreat”: