
PSC supporters supporting Atzmon

Gilad Atzmon claims that Fagin and Shylock accurately represent Jewish identity, the credit crunch was caused by the Jews, the Holocaust is a religion, and Hitler may be proved right about the Jews. These are some of his latest arguments, but he has been critical of what he sees as “Jewish” politics for quite some time now, envisaging a “Zio-Punch” causing the credit crunch, and a Jewish lobby in Germany that provoked the Nazis into fighting back.

Tony Gratrex of Reading PSC and Christ Church Virginia Water [click to enlarge]:

Dave Chappell of the Fire Brigades Union and Exeter PSC, writing in 2010:

Hi guys,
Don’t know if you already know Gilad Atzmon, but he is a great Jazz clarinetist and saxophonist, and who also happens to be a profoundly anti-zionist Israeli.

I saw him in concert in Exeter last night, and Exeter PSC had an info stall there. We also sold his CDs for him, for which he gave us the 10% commission he would normally pay the venue for doing this.

He told us he is playing Colston Hall this Sunday, and wondered if Bristol PSC would like to have a stall there, and possibly also help with the CDs too under the same arrangement he gave us?

if you are interested, and in my view you should go for the music anyway(!), please will you contact Gilad on 07973291505 or through his website at\


Dave Chappell

Cliff Hanley of Bristol PSC, then:

I’ve grabbed a ticket, so that’s two of us committed already. And as I told Matthias, I left a message for Gilad to say we would do the stall.


Bristol PSC’s resident Far Right-admiring conspiracy theorist Tony Gosling writes more recently, in response to Cliff Hanley distributing the commentary of an Atzmon supporter, about recent Harry’s Place articles on the PSC:

Harry’s Place has been looked at carefully and the owner outed as a Zionist agent.

Harry’s Place and the BNP – Know the difference? There isn’t one–know-the-difference-there-isnt-one

So why is PSC leadership dancing to Harry’s crooked tune?

Bristol PSC advertising Atzmon’s next appearance:

Meanwhile, the national PSC will be debating a motion at its next AGM – proposed by Holocaust skeptic, Atzmon fan and Camden PSC organiser Gill Kaffash – about whether the racial slurs such as Holocaust denial and the blood libel count as racism, so long as you don’t use them as a pretext to assault British Jews.

Bravo, the PSC Executive Committee!

What a fantastic job you have done, convincing us that your organisation is not riddled with extremists!