
‘As a…’ watch launched!

After the launch of CiF Watch and the sporadic efforts at HP Watch, I propose a new watch campaign: ‘As A…’ watch. OK, it may not be the snappiest title, but there certainly are rich pickings to be had.

Here’s my first submission, this ludicrous ‘Boycott Me’, piece by Neve Gordon calling for a boycott of Israel because it is an ‘apartheid state’, at, where else, CiF. We get multiple hits. At line 14 ‘as an Israeli citizen’ and at line 21, joy of joy, the gold standard ‘as a Jew’ plus later on ‘as a parent’ and ‘as a citizen’.

As an objective observer of idiocy I would point out at if Neve wants Israel to be boycotted, then why is he, as an Israeli citizen etc etc, writing for CiF? Surely he should be boycotting himself….