Interfaith,  Your View

How about jeans and a top?

This is from Houriya at The Spittoon.

Three women, two police constables and one community support officer, decided to wear full face veiled burkhas and other ‘Muslim women’s clothing’ in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, as part of an effort to understand ‘diversity’ in a police initiative titled ‘In your shoes’. The three went out shopping to feel how it was to be a Muslim woman.

In describing her experience, Sergeant Deb Leonard said:

I have gained an appreciation and understanding of what Muslim females experience when they walk out in public in clothing appropriate to their beliefs.

We are keen to gain a better understanding of issues which our communities face.

Why doesn’t she and her colleagues start walking out in jeans and a t-shirt to also experience what other Muslim women feel when they walk out in public in clothing appropriate to their beliefs!

A South Yorkshire Police in-house magazine said:

The exercise is just one of many activities South Yorkshire Police has planned with communities and ethnic minority leaders to secure strong relationships, celebrate diversity and encourage integration, working towards a safer, closer society.

How would wearing a full face veil (which most Muslim women in this country do not wear anyway – a minority of a minority) or ‘other traditional clothing’ enhance any sort of relationship or make communities safer? Why wear clothing that other Muslim women in this country choose not to wear? How absurd.