UK Politics

Justifying my Labour Party membership

Recently I received a circular from the Labour Party telling me it was going to be “an exciting and challenging time for the Labour Party over the next 15 months”. Quite.

The circular contained a number of additional items:

Raffle tickets:
coded message about the past management of the economy?

Gordon Brown “Help and hope for the future”:

Make Life Easier… Vote by postal form:
Arrghhh, not bloody postal voting!

What can Labour learn from Obama? from the Fabian Society:
Not at lot, given they are probably in a worse position than the Republicans were in.

A few days later I received a letter informing me that my membership fee is going up. It is not going up a great deal, but it’s the one item of expenditure on my bank account statements which brings forward comments from my partner. “Why are we paying money to this lot?” is usually followed by comments about second homes, stone sinks, porn, the state of the economy, and the government. My standard response “Well, one reason for staying in is that you can at least help prevent the worst elements of the Labour Party gaining control, because they’d be an absolute disaster” is cutting less and less ice, largely because my partner thinks Labour will be out of power for at least two terms.

How long ago 1997 feels.