
A lunatic writes

My attention is drawn to the following epistle by Baroness “Kaboom” Tonge in today’s Independent: a tabloid which has aptly been described as the “Daily Mail for people who recycle”:

Sir: It should come as no surprise to anyone that suicide bombers in Iraq are Palestinians (“Iraq: the face of the enemy”, 7 June). Israel’s security wall is forcing them to export themselves to another arena to fight in this ridiculous “war” against terrorism being waged by the donkeys who lead us in the West.

The injustices to Palestinians, following the creation of the state of Israel and the subsequent brutal occupation by that country lies at the very roots of the causes of terrorism and the ideology of Osama bin Laden. In desperate attempts not to be accused of anti-Semitism, our leaders refuse to accept this and carry on supporting the USA and its military base in the Middle East called Israel.

If someone in power does not do something to restore Palestine, even if only to acknowledge that Israel must withdraw to the pre 1967 borders, and allow the Palestinians to form a viable country, we shall have no peace.

I love Jenny Tonge.