Media,  Russia,  Sports


Are any of our readers going to Sochi, Russia, for the Winter Olympics? Do any of our readers know anyone who is going to Sochi, Russia, for the Winter Olympics? Can any of our readers imagine knowing anyone who is going to Sochi, Russia, for the Winter Olympics?

Aside from the security and corruption angles, journalists arriving in Sochi to cover the Olympics are having some grim fun tweeting about the horrible conditions in their (frequently unfinished) hotels.

Of course none of this is particularly welcome news for Russia’s on-and-off-and-on-again president Vladimir Putin– who, despite the tens of billions of dollars lavished on the event, couldn’t manage to complete a few decent and functional hotels for foreign visitors.

Well, don’t despair, Vlad– Pat Buchanan and your loyal employee George Galloway have your back.

Update: But wait: there’s more!