North Korea,  Utter Clowns

Guardian Newspaper Cited Approvingly by Pyongyang


As I float through the gently undulating stems of the Asphodel Meadows, it is undeniably challenging to compose this message. I am fortunate, however, to have encountered computers and other data storage devices before my demise so can be channeled through one.

My fellow shade, Thomas Kempe is not so fortunate.

Recently, my memories… if “memories” can be ascribed to us… of my mortal existence have allowed me to appreciate the strips of the little Chollimas who honour the Juche homeland with their footwork. It puts me in ‘mind’ of the KPA female uniform, which I found quite attractive with its fitted tunic and pleated skirt.

I also was impressed by the football manager cum defence analyst, Paul Watson who showed an unbiased and inquiring mind in his analysis of media representation of the Chosun of Peace alongside the Chosun of War.

Amongst many pertinent observations was the welcome bracketing of test firing of missiles in empty waters with artillery barrages against the ‘civilian’ target of Yeon Pyeong-do, whose capitalist lackies had preferred to welcome a passenger and supply ferry at an out-of-range port on the island rather than commit to battle.

I am pleased to note, as no doubt he and the publisher of his insightful piece that the official Juche news agency approves.