
The Extremist Iranian Cleric and the British Charity

Via Potkin we learn something shocking, but sadly unsurprising. Potkin has been following the doings of a senior Iranian cleric,  Ayatollah Makrem Shirazi:

People in the West are probably not so familiar with who Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi is. This reactionary Grand Ayatollah, a staunch supporter of the Supreme Leader of Iran and Bashar Assad of Syria, is a super wealthy businessman himself, who controls the sugar imports to Iran, amongst many other commodities.

Makarem Shirazi is also a Holocaust denier. On his official web page, he refers to the Holocaust as superstition:

B) The Holocaust Superstition

Apart from idolatry, which is one of the biggest superstitions, several more superstitions have come about and exist today. Even in today’s age of progress and civilisation, strange superstitions have been propagated by the Europeans and the Americans. One of these new superstitions is the superstition of Holocaust. Those who believe in this superstition claim “The criminal Hitler burned six million Jews in the gas chambers and everyone must believe in this story and if they don;t they should be imprisoned.

Interestingly many people in American and in Europe have accepted this great lie but we must tell them this is illogical and far removed from reason. Of course a historic issue must be studied and researched. If Hitler has committed such a crime, he should be condemned and if this was not the case and the Zionist have created this big lie to make themselves look like victimes and solicit sympathy for themselves, then they should be condemned. What logic dictates that anyone who researches the issue should go to jail? Is this issue so special amongst all others that talking about it must be banned and everyone should simply accept it by force?

There is so much more archaic stuff about women, apostasy, dogs and how to deal with the infidel West on his website and in his books.

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi was also the first Iranian Grand Ayatollah who issued a fatwa and explicitly referred to the Iranian rapper, Shahin Najafi, who lives in Germany, to be killed for apostasy because of the lyrics Najafi used in one of his songs.

And now comes the punchline – something with which we’re all too familiar:

But it gets better. Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi, also has his representative office here in UK, in Harrow Road, known as Babul Murad Centre. He also has a registered charity in UK and wait for this one….

……He has received a grant from Brent Council for helping with “Religious Freedom and Tolerance”.

Now, if you look at the website for the Babul Murad Centre, you’ll see the following:

Before Potkin started poking around, however, this is what it looked like:

You will note that the website no longer declares that it is the “Office of his eminence Hazarat Ayatullah Nasir Makarem Shirazi”.

It is almost as if they’re ashamed of being publicly linked to a hate preacher, Holocaust denier and of soliciting the murder of an Iranian musician.

But they’re not, are they? They’re just concerned to ensure that those grants for promoting “religious freedom and tolerance” keep rolling in.