
Laurie Penny revisits “Occupy”

A well worth reading piece by Laurie Penny on the various Occupy London camps in the New Statesman, here.

Here’s the short version.

Apparently, the camp consists of  sociology students and bona fide tramps. As time passed, a number of the sociology students have gone home, but the tramps are still there because they have nowhere else to go. They’re getting through the day by drinking and smoking weed, although there is a “tranquility group” which is anti drink and drugs. They are by now very smelly.


A young Romanian man called Valentin will not stop grabbing my hand and demanding my phone number. Subtle and then decidedly unsubtle hints about personal space do not put him off, and eventually Muriel invites me to sleep beside her; I observe, not for the first time, that there are far fewer young women here than there were in November.

I’m not at all surprised. Are you?

Update: Another amusing piece in The Quietus