Brains Falling Out,  Darfur,  East Africa

Simon Tisdall Leaps Into the Maws of Stupidity

As news reached Britain in early 1884 of the destruction of the Hicks Expedition at El Obeid, Sudan with over seven thousand dead from the Anglo-Egyptian force – including common workers and soldiers’ families – William Morris was gushing in his approval.

In the months and years that followed, as Mohammed Ahmad’s zealots did not distinguish between Anglo-Egyptian forces and local villagers, the anti-war movement, of which Morris was a leading figure, remained resolute in their support for the resistance.

One hundred and twenty years later, the view in the Guardian of what standard of behaviour is expected from ‘fuzzy-wuzzies’ is little better.

The sound you have just heard is of one million anti-fascists turning in their graves.

Hat-tip – Ana in the comments.