
‘As a Jew watch…’ update

Some people simply have no sense of shame! Following on from Gene’s post about the sugary profile of Mary-Kay Wilmers, editor of the London Review of Books, in the Sunday Times, she’s back again, over two pages in the Guardian.

Ms Wilmers opines on Israel:

She says she does feel more comfortable attacking Israel because she is Jewish. Although when she was growing up the family didn’t attend synagogue and when she once fasted for Yom Kippur her parents thought she was “crazy. But I am alert to antisemitism and am personally horrified and affronted at how Israel behaves. One of the things that makes me most angry is that if you criticise Israel you seem to be at risk of being called a Holocaust denier.”

You can read more of this here

I wrote to Ms Wilmers:

Dear Ms Wilmers,

I read with interest your interview in The Guardian this weekend, especially your statement that “One of the things that makes me most angry is that if you criticise Israel you seem to be at risk of being called a Holocaust denier”.

As I am sure you are aware criticising Israeli policies and denying the Holocaust are very different things, so I would be glad to hear your evidence for this.

I’ll keep you posted on her reply, if I get one. Either way, she is galloping ahead in the ‘As A Jew Watch’ stakes.