The term “fisking” was – as any fule kno – invented by Andrew Sullivan. Probably.
Sullivan has now taken the fisk to the next level. Podfisking.
No, podfisking not some bizarre sexual practice indulged by Norm and Midge. It’s just a podcast version of a fisking. A fisking – a term derived from the many times bloggers have dissected the deranged writing of Robert Fisk – is a genre that takes a text by someone else, and responds to it sentence by sentence, point by point. As I listened to the president’s radio address this week on the proposed constitutional ban on gay marriage, I got the idea. Who better to be my first podfisk subject? Why not fisk via audio? So I spliced his speech with my responses on Apple’s GarageBand program. Voila: a podfisk.
[Player removed – it was causing some browsers to crash]
I’m not sure if it is technically a podfisk.
Surely a podfisk has to be downloadable in MP3 format? Like this. [right click, download to ipod]
NB: The gay marriage ban constitutional amendment was defeated, as it was always going to be.