
Some Very Quick Thoughts On The FEMEN “Amina” Protest

I am assuming that you know of the Tunisian activist, Amina, and her protest, and the subsequent threats which she received. These thoughts are on the FEMEN protest in response.

1. These are some of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. There are certainly points which can be made about the politics of nudity, and of female nudity in particular. However, as a tactic for publicising a cause, I cannot think of one more certain to be reported, commented on, or shared on social media.

2. As you can see from the slogans, care has been taken to focus the campaign on Islamist politics. In the following picture, it is the black Salafi flag that is being burnt.

A number of the protestors appear to be women of Arab and North African origin.

3. Some of the protests took place outside the Tunisian Embassy. Given the nature of the Tunisian government, this is an appropriate locus for such action.

4. Other protests took place outside the Grand Mosque in Paris. That is not, as far as I’m aware, an institution controlled by Salafists or Islamists.  The protest depicted below took place outside an Ahmadiyya Mosque in Berlin. The Ahmadiyyas are neither Salafists or Islamists. Indeed, they’re regularly targeted for violence and murder by Salafists, Islamists and Muslim groups which are neither, and can safely exist only in the West. Protesting outside such institutions isn’t something that I can support.

5. I bet it was fun. I bet it was COLD!