Omar Bakri Mohammed, the man who founded Hizb’ut Tahrir UK, Al Muhajiroun, and the Saviour Sect has quit the UK for Lebanon. Poor Lebanon.
“He left London via Heathrow airport on Saturday morning. I received confirmation later that same day,” said Anjem Choudary, former head of the al Muhajiroun group, which Bakri worked with.
“He left voluntarily because he believes the government is stifling Muslims and making it impossible for them to fulfil the message of Islam,”
Omar Bakri Mohammed was a proponent of the doctrine of the “covenant of security“. The essence of the doctrine was that as long as British-based jihadists were tolerated, the United Kingdom, those individuals would not commit acts of terrorism in Britain. The covenant did not bind non-UK based jihadists, who refrained from bombing Britain for the pragmatic reason that their activities would result in the arrest and prosecution of jihadists who used the United Kingdom as a base for their activities. Omar Bakri Mohammed publicly revoked the “covenant” in February “because of the clampdown by the British government” on British based jihadists.
More here.