Freedom of Expression

Mic Righteous: BBC responds to complaints of censorship

Last year many spoke out against the BBC’s censorship of the words ‘free Palestine’ from a song by Mic Righteous.  Now it has issued a statement in response to these complaints. Samira Shackle writes in the New Statesman:

The BBC Trust has decided it is not “proportionate or cost-effective” to proceed further with the complaint, but the original decision does not seem proportionate either. Indeed, had the BBC allowed the song to go through uncensored, it probably would not have been remarked upon (after all, it was two words, not a long political diatribe). As it is, this incident sends a very uncomfortable message.

I agree, although I also note that there are some pretty appalling comments being made on this story by others who are raising objections to the BBC’s handling of the case.  Under this piece over on Left Foot Forward I read:

Unfortunately the simple fact is the director general is a ‘friend of Israel’, which also explains why the BBC banned the DEC Gaza appeal after Cast Lead. Another Zionist mouth=peice paid for out of the public purse.

All I can say–like CBC, BBC is no diffferant–hi-jacked by zeolot zionist Kosher freaks.

But it is quite possible to be a Zionist, a friend of Israel, and disagree with the BBC on this one.  Here, for example, is a blogger from Israel who has written against this act of censorship.