Jeremy Corbyn’s antisemitic record has been under scrutiny for several weeks now, and rightly so. But let’s not forget other issues which are important, starting with our own national security.
He should never be entrusted with the security of the United Kingdom. It would be seriously endangered.
Look back to early 2015. Islamic State was on the march. No wonder – its strength and confidence had been boosted by a big influx of foreign fighters from Europe. They included Britain’s very own “Jihadi John”, who began his beheading spree in 2014.
Those fighters were a top priority for Western intelligence services, in large part because there were fears they could return to the West deeply indoctrinated, highly trained, and ready to carry out devastating terrorist attacks.
Jeremy Corbyn was asked about this issue at the time. He didn’t sound very convinced (emphasis added):
There is an issue about some people going from Britain allegedly to fight with ISIS in Syria. It’s unknown exactly how many there are. It’s unknown what the effects of those would be.
Nor was he informed. Precise numbers were obviously impossible to establish, but solid estimates were available as tracking and investigation work gathered pace. For example, in January 2015 the experts of the ICSR put the number of UK foreign fighters with militant Sunni groups in Syria and Iraq at 500 to 600. The ICSR also said that other trackers in and outside governments had “arrived at similar results”.
One UK response was travel restrictions on extremists who were strongly suspected of planning to join the jihad. In the case of minors, this was a straightforward safeguarding measure. Meanwhile some who had already joined the 21st Century’s most hideous terrorist group were stripped of their citizenship. Corbyn was not impressed, as you will see in the clip above:
The British government’s response has been to try to make it impossible for them to travel, to restrict their ability to travel, to take upon themselves the ability to remove passports, and, strangely, to deny people the right of return, which is legally a very questionable decision by the British government and I suspect will be fought out in the courts in Britain.
Actually, the European Court of Human Rights subsequently backed the UK policy in a unanimous ruling.
So what was Corbyn’s solution? Tackle “Islamophobia”. That’s the real problem here, you see.
The way to deal with this issue isn’t by a legal process which seeks to ban people from travelling. The important thing is to deal with the issue politically and challenge Islamophobia and racism.
It’s our fault. It’s always our fault. We must repent and make amends, not defend ourselves. This is Mr Corbyn’s only national security doctrine.
If you want to aid our enemies, the people who want to kill us, simples: back Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour.