Congrats!,  Israel

Odds and ends

It has been a rollercoaster 10 days watching Israel clinically dispatching Hezbollah with the most audacious intelligence led operation in living memory. It started with exploding pagers on 17 September 2024 which blew vital bits off 3000 Hezbollah rank and file operatives and notably, the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon. The loss of vital manly bits led to thousands of memes and much hilarity on social media, followed by the inevitable hysterical accusations of targetting civilians when the casualty wards were filled with fighting age men. Hezbollah walkie talkies then blew up and finally the IDF blew up Hezbollah’s headquarters in South Beirut, taking out the head of the world’s largest terrorist organisation, Hassan Nasrallah as well as key leaders of  Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). It was almost as if the IDF had the entire contents of the Hezbollah contacts list or Comrade Corbyn’s dream Islington dinner party invite list.

The reaction from the west’s leaders and media is predictable, seeking to restrain Israel, giving dire warnings of an imminent conflagration in the Middle East and even rewriting the history and nature of the terrorist organisation that has spilled so much civilian blood in the region supporting brutal dictators like Syria’s Assad and murdered hundreds of American and French military personnel in past operations. Maybe it is shame that a small beleaguered country, the most maligned in the world, the one that constantly fights for its right to exist showed up the impotence of the world’s superpowers. However there are large numbers of peoples in Lebanon, Syria and Iran celebrating with sweets and dancing, grudgingly thanking their enemy’s enemy for taking out an oppressor. It speaks to the quality of current western journalism that one does not see much of these reactions in the media.

Much worse, one is likely to see the reaction below in the campuses and streets of  western cities : the edgy revolutionaries of the left parties marching with Islamic terror supporters, baying for jewish blood.



Is Hezbollah done for in its entirety? No. It has an enormous arsenal and many insane footsoldiers, as well as the patronage of Iran’s ayatollahs. It can regroup of course. But what Lebanon and the world have before them is a reprieve, a very crucial time period where  a reset of political and military strengths is possible. With Hassan Nasrallah now dead, Lebanon has a unique opportunity to reclaim its sovereignty and forge a path towards stability. Western nations should support Israel in defeating Hezbollah for the sake of regional peace and security. Hezbollah has long been responsible for death and oppression in Syria and Lebanon as well as for terrorism worldwide. Understanding Hezbollah’s true purpose is crucial in grasping the broader implications of Iran’s expansionist ambitions and the danger they pose to regional peace.

Israel’s operations in Lebanon continue, the new head of Hezbollah was almost immediately eliminated but as the first anniversary of the October 7 atrocity approaches and scores of hostages remain in Gaza, it will be a difficult and painful Rosh Hashanah on Wednesday. Military success is no guarantee of peace and security and bitter internal divisions will likely come to the fore once again in the following days. Nevertheless, let’s take this moment to appreciate and admire the strength and resolve of Israel.