Britain Today,  Cluedo-less Ex-Coppers,  Communal Unrest

We are all terrorists now

By Larkers

Sometime senior London Metropolitan Police officer Neil Basu wants to legally define me as a terrorist. Mr Basu, who left the police service following a re-shuffle at the top of his failing organisation, thinks the rioters who have taken to the streets and public places in many towns and cities in the days following the Southport massacre, are part of a movement called the Far Right. Numerous other public figures have made similar calls, but his voice counts among the fashionable intelligence partly because of race. Race has become the defining feature of our policing, not just in the capital of what is laughably still called ‘The United Kingdom’.


Only white people who riot will be henceforth ’terrorists’. Jew baiters not at all. People who destroy art works, block roads at peak times, glue themselves to significant infrastructure, or tour ‘Jewish’ areas with loud speakers threatening rape, not so much. Overweight and tattooed white men or working class grannies, very much a certainty¹.


I’m not planning to do any rough stuff personally, but that’s besides the point. I and Harry’s Place have a life long commitment to peaceful dialogue, neither taking part in nor condoning in any way physical attacks on people or property. No, I’m a terrorist (or soon will be) for my opinions. I am part of a nefarious network of ‘far right’ influencers who urge the obviously weak minded (for the fashionable intelligence that means all working class people, though only applied in public to the white ones). How do I know this? Mr Joe Mulhall told me so ². Mr Mulhall is part of Hope Not Hate and partial to sleuthing. He has unearthed a network of people such as me building a fascist state. His Brainiac friends tell him things –


‘Though there were fascists in the crowds, the majority of the organisers and participants cannot accurately be described as fascists.’


Well, not as yet.


‘On the whole, this angry mass of protestors lack a structured ideology and are driven much more by visceral emotions such as anger and betrayal.’


This vagueness might seem bit inconvenient for his theory, yet turns out, by a bit of lateral thinking on Mr Mulhall’s part, to be confirmatory of Right Wingness. Marxists are used to this kind of mental agility. Marx himself claimed various bits of the lumpenproletariat would be Communists if they thought about it. So it is with protesters and rioters, unfortunately otherwise just too thick as yet to know they are fascists. They have been incited by a nebulous online Far Right network, thousands of fascists behind keyboards pumping out hate like a relay race. Just think what Leni Riefenstahl could have done with that image!


Bad things, thoughts, actions, are always ‘incited’; the good springs from the ‘grass roots’ or ‘community’. Popular used to be good until that word came to signify views that offended the fashionable intelligence.


Let us forget Luddites and Captain Swing boys . These thicko gammons are just thugs duped by Mr Yaxley-Lennon (not his stage name) and urged on by spooky-at-a-distance influencers and have no brain capacity for independent thought.


This is a fast moving situation. There is a sense that something has changed and won’t easily be brushed aside with photographs of squirrels or baby animals. This is perhaps the first ’social media’ revolution and the edginess of the elite and its bubble media is palpable; they are worried. Now groups of Pakistani second and third generation youths are roaming the streets attacking whites and setting up road blocks. As yet Prime Minister Starmer, who had himself photographed kneeling in memory George Floyd, has made no further announcements about growing Islamist violence, but the Crown Prosecution Service has taken up Basu’s battle cry. Rioters might be charged with terrorism (unlike Black Lives Matter and men driving around Stamford Hill with a megaphone threatening rape and murder on Jews).


What can we expect in the near term. Copious under reporting and lecturing from the government and mainstream media. A Royal Visit or two to reassure ‘communities’. Starmer’s cash strapped government has promised millions to protect mosques – churches can burn however. An acceleration of measures to control speech – free is out of the question – and closure of many platforms including some people who read this will be familiar with. Police will be extra vigilant and increasingly arrest people in their own homes for their activity online. A blasphemy law that essentially will be owned and controlled by islamists is certain. The rest I leave to your imagination.


Notes :

1. This is priceless. Just the sort of Guardianista you just know thought Julian Assange was Saint Paul and Edward Snowden John the Baptist, just ahead of Chelsea Manning as the B.V.M. –

‘It is misleading to suggest the rioters have any ideology that is implied by the “far-right” label. They are just aggressive young men looking for an excuse to cause trouble and indulge in looting. In the 1970s and 80s, the same sorts of men were involved in riots that were called football hooliganism. Toxic masculinity is a better explanation than any thought-through political views.’ An Emeritus Prof writing in Guardian letters

2. Joe Mulhall is director of research at the anti-fascism organisation Hope not Hate. He is the author of numerous books on postwar fascism, including Drums in the Distance: Journeys into the Global Far Rig

This is worth a look. The only time The Guardian will publish a picture of riot police approvingly.


One Comment

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