Communal politics,  Extremism,  Leicester

Look back on Leicester

h/t Muncii

Freeman is a familiar figure to anyone who has even a cursory knowledge of  British jihadis, sorry celebrated community activists. He was one of the main rabble rousers during the Leicester riots in 2022.


Majid Freeman aka Novsarka quickly stood out on social media when I was delving into the Leicester communal riots in 2022. It was immediately apparent from his social media output that he was playing a big role in inciting violence and discord online as well as agitating on the streets. He was the source of  much inflammatory false news – he claimed kidnappings of teenage muslim girls by hindu men which were outright lies. He claimed to have met the victim in person. He claimed that qurans were being torn up and thrown on the streets.




All of this was before British media woke up to what was happening on the streets of Leicester. Indian media however was literally streets ahead in coverage. When Channel 4 news caught up, imagine my immense shock when Freeman was interviewed as a trusted local guide for a spectacularly stupid journalist, Darshna Soni. The BBC, Guardian and even the NYT went to to portray Freeman as a concerned peace activist even when his social media output was there for all to see. It was an unreal moment. They say to not reach for malice as an explanation when stupidity or laziness will do. Well, the stupidity of all these legacy media pundits was off the scale then.

Majid has been a shock trooper on social media since 2011. He believes that 9/11 and the London bombings of July 7 in 2005 were false flags operations by the respective governments of these countries who sacrificed innocent people just so they could frame muslims.  Majid also works for an organisation called ‘One Nation’ and  does fundraiser projects for them. One Nation’s founder Arshad Patel was arrested during the investigations of the July 5, 2005 London bombings while his sister was the wife of one of the suicide bombers in the attack. Majid Freeman has tweeted support for a number of known terrorists. BBC and other British press promote Majid Freeman as an aid worker. He was working with Alan Henning for Aid4Syria Charity. Henning was beheaded by ISIS in 2015. Both were alleged to be travelling in Syria with Jabhat Al-Nusra Front, an Al Qaida affiliate. After the beheading of Henning, Freeman had posted asking for ‘duas’ (prayers) for Syrian jihadis, and retweeted a statement “Jabhat al-Nusra we are with you even if the world fights you”. Freeman also posted a tribute video for AQ terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki. Aid4Syria’s parent charity, Al Fatiha Global, was under investigation UK Charity Commission for “links [with] individuals purportedly involved in supporting armed or other inappropriate activities in Syria”. Freeman and Henning were travelling with Children of Deen in Syria, another charity group. Britain’s first  suicide bomber in Syria, Abdul Waheed Majeed was travelling in the same convoy as Freeman and Henning. The convoy was organised by Children of Deen. Freeman eulogised a Dutch jihadi in Syria, Abu Muhammed. He called for “prayers” for the brothers of ISIS fighter Iftekhar Jaman who were jailed for recruiting for Syria. And it goes on and on. There are compilations of Freeman’s very suspect activity online. It would be more accurate to say that there isnt a muslim terrorist that Freeman has not praised.



The British authorities  turned a blind eye to Freeman’s  activities all these years. He wasn’t even charged for the 2022  false kidnapping story which doxed and endangered  an innocent man. Remember this is the same police that harasses gender critical women for their social media posts and jumps on 12 year old boys who criticise Hamas.

Running free on social media, Freeman has built up an audience – he has over 60 000 followers on X alone- and a profile, with even media luvvies like Gary Lineker liking his posts.




Of course Freeman was in the spotlight recently, harassing Labour candidate Jon Ashworth on the streets of Leicester during the hustings. Freeman’s buddy, Shockat Adam, beat Ashworth and is the new MP for Leicester South, so parliament will have an exciting new voice to expound on what is wrong with Britain and how it should be more like Gaza. Shockat Adam’s brother is Ismail Patel of “Friends of al-Aqsa” who we can say has dedicated his whole life to Israel hatred.

The truly shocking news is that Freeman has been arrested by police in Leicester  on suspicion of counter-terrorism offences, including encouraging acts of terrorism. He is out on bail and his hearing is on July 24 at Westminster Magistrates’ Court.

Predictable howls of outrage emanated from jihadi adjacent groups like CAGE, laying into the newly elected Labour government.


There was a demonstration outside the police station on the day Freeman was arrested. There weren’t many people, ten or so but the islamists were issuing the sort of threats and hard talk that so endears them to the general public.


Indian media is gleeful. They have already run  many articles on Freeman, revisiting his glory days from Leicester. The case against Freeman may not amount to much but at least the morons in legacy media will now be more careful about championing Freeman. We can live in hope.