
The Witch is Gone

Jackie Walker has been expelled from the Labour Party The Guardian reports:

The former vice-chair of Momentum Jackie Walker has been expelled from the Labour party for comments at an antisemitism training session, in one of the longest-running high-profile cases of the party’s antisemitism crisis.

Walker was suspended more than two years ago after the training session, where she criticised Holocaust Memorial Day for only commemorating Jewish victims.

After participants at the training day said the event does in fact commemorate other genocides, Walker said that was not how she viewed it. “In practice, it’s not actually circulated and advertised as such,” she said. “I was looking for information and I still haven’t heard a definition of antisemitism that I can work with.”

Since the above she has gone on various rants attacking Jewish communal organisations she also runs the Labour Against the Witchhunt group which passed a motion at its recent AGM arguing:

The self proclaimed victim of a witch hunt has in fact been found to be a witch after all.